Lifestyle coaching:
Natuurlijk gezond
en gelukkig

Redskaber til naturlig behandling og sæbefremstilling

NL NOTITIE ♦ Nu ook de Nederlandse taal, klik op de duitse vlaggen

Flora June .dk
Essentiel Oils

Modern essentials TOOLS and teaching classes with natural solutions to your health challenges

Happy Living

iTOVi for Business

Whether you are just starting out on your wellness journey or are an experienced advocate, iTOVi has made business easier than ever. From breaking the ice to caring for long-term clients, the iTOVi nutrition scanner is the ultimate tool for growing your wellness business. Get started with iTOVi and begin growing your business today!

  • Personalized product information
  • Keep track of your clients progress
  • Use your referral link and get rewarded


Your Personal, Pocket-Sized Expert:

  • Introduce the products you love to others using the iTOVi app.
  • Email or text reports directly to your clients’ and easily follow up with prospects.
  • Have scanning parties to draw in new clientele and promote interest.
  • Host private webinars through iTOVi to help train and teach the best business building practices.
  • With iTOVi’s convenient setup, you can scan anytime, anywhere — all you need is the scanner and your cell phone!


Jackie B.:  

“I can honestly say that I consider ITOVi just as much of a tool as the products I educate on.”


Samantha L.:

The month I started using iTOVi to boost my business… my classes were getting more people showing up!”


Tony & Missy D.

” iTOVi has been an open door, bringing us many opportunities for our family and business!“


Go to Choose Basic eller Choise and order your scanner! Remember to use referral no. 33046 


$4999one time

  • +$39.99/mo service fee*
  • Referral Program:

With Basic, you can reduce your monthly access fee to $29.99 by referring just 1 person! After 5 qualifying** referrals, the monthly access fee is further reduced to just $9.99. Starting with the 6th referral, iTOVi will actually pay you $50 for each one!



$4999one time

  • +$780 service fee* (one time)
  • Referral Program:

With the Choice pricing option, you won’t have a monthly access fee and iTOVi will pay you $50 for each qualifying** referral. Your one-time payment will set you up with lifetime access to iTOVi and endless referral potential. Go with choice and start referring today!

AromaShaman 🌸 ©All Right Reserved 🌸 Flora June Marielyst Strandvej 44, 4873 Væggerløse 🌸Tlf.butik:(+45) 71 74 76 05 🌸 CVR: 26 76 13 01
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